Adding enrichment to your dog’s daily routine is easier than you think! Read our tips for changing daily habits into enrichment opportunities.

Dog health and wellness
Dog health and happiness is priority number one. Read more from OneMind Dogs and dog health experts about how to keep your pup in shape and feeling well.
How to train your Border Collie — 5 key steps
Here’s our 5 step guide to training your Border Collie. You’ll find a detailed roadmap to follow for a happy, well-behaved dog.
How to train your German Shepherd Dog — 5 key steps
In this guide, we’ll explore all the key points for training German Shepherd Dogs. We’ll break down how they interact with the world, why this is important to know, and how to work with this perspective for the best results.
Why your adult dog will benefit from online Puppy Training by OneMind Dogs
Let’s face it, no dog has 100% perfect behavior. Maybe you are one of the few who has a beautifully trained, obedient and biddable dog. But chances are, there’s something you wish you could improve. OneMind Dogs has developed an online Puppy Training program about understanding your dog’s perspective and building a magical connection together.
Preventing injury during dog sports — Warm up and cool down guide
No matter what dog activities you like to share with your pup, warm-ups and cooldowns are essential to their health and safety.
What does it mean to be a responsible dog owner?
At OneMind Dogs, our guiding mission is clear: giving dogs a better life. A huge part of this is helping people understand what it means to be a responsible dog owner.
What your dog REALLY wants this Christmas
Get your dog the best possible Christmas present this year — a OneMind Dogs gift card for unlimited fun and a strong bond that makes YOU the most important thing in your dog’s life.
How to prepare your dog for post-lockdown life
Just as our daily lives have changed, our dog’s lives have adapted to the ‘new normal’ too. And if you’ve spent more time in self-isolation or quarantine than not, your dog might need some adjustment before restrictions ease.
7 tips for keeping your agility dog healthy
To be able to enjoy doing agility with your dog for as long as possible, it’s important that you take care of your team mate’s physical well-being every day — training days, competition days and rest days too!

Our mission is to give a happy life to dogs by helping people become amazing dog owners.