OneMind Dogs Community’s Favorite Agility Videos of 2019

December 24, 2019

These fan favorites are free for ALL OneMind Dogs community members (all you need to do is sign up for free) to watch during the Holiday Season! So curl up on the couch with your furry best friend, grab some popcorn and settle in for some great viewing!

The OneMind Dogs community has been busy watching hundreds of different videos on our website as part of their agility journey this year! We have videos to suit all different kinds of dog and handler teams. Still, we always have a few clear favorites that many people find valuable and fun to watch. Have you checked out these fan favorites yet?

Most popular video of 2019:
Agility In A Nutshell, Part 1

This International Training Week episode was our most popular video for 2019! In this episode, Leading OneMind Dogs Coach Jaakko Suoknuuti teaches his students how the three Cs work in walkthroughs and in handling. This episode is ideal for anyone who wants to improve their understanding of the three Cs that stand for Connect, Commit, Cue.

Watch it now to see how it feels to do a course walkthrough with Jaakko!

Most popular NEW video of 2019:
Walking A Course With Janita Leinonen, Part 1

If you have ever wanted to walk a course with Leading OneMind Dogs Coach Janita Leinonen, this is your chance! This 11:55 minute long video is an in-depth explanation of the focus points for Janita when she is walking a course and making her handling plan. Janita talks about seeing the course from the dog’s perspective, learning how the dog moves on course, making the most of your virtual dog in the walkthrough, and using CCC between each obstacle.

This was our most popular new video for 2019, watch it now!

Most engaging video of 2019:
Applying Front Crosses In A Sequence

The most engaging video in 2019 was part of the Front Cross mini-course! This video shows you how to apply the Front Cross handling technique into a sequence so you can practice with more speed! Front Crosses are sometimes considered a “basic” technique. However, most handlers say one of the main benefits from a OneMind Dogs seminar or online training was learning how to master the Front Cross!

Watch this video now, and start practicing with your dog.

Most watched video of 2019:
Handling Elements

This video is the one that has been watched for the most minutes (17,004 minutes last time we checked!!!). This video creates so many lightbulb moments for our community. It is a great one to watch whether you are new to OneMind Dogs or need a refresher of the core elements of our method.

All OneMind Dogs handling techniques include elements of seven key factors to support the dog’s movement on an agility course and make it as easy and effective as possible. This video is all about those elements, watch it now and tell us about any lightbulb moments you experience!

Keep watching agility lessons after the holidays, too!

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