Have you been searching for “dog agility training near me” and coming up empty? It’s time to try dog agility online!

Agility handling techniques
OneMind Dogs handling techniques are based on dog’s natural behavior — which means your dog will understand them from day one.
Agility handling technique names: What do they mean and why are they important?
Once you understand the why behind a handling technique, it will change your overall perspective on agility. You will start to see handling from the dog’s perspective and you will have a clear picture of how your body language influences your dog. Understanding this crucial aspect of agility will make you the best possible teammate for your dog!
Collection and tight turns in dog agility
Does your dog have trouble with tight turns in dog agility? Would you like to learn how to cue collection effectively? This blog is for you!
What is a Reverse Spin in Dog Agility?
Have you heard of an agility handling technique called the “Reverse Spin” and always wondered exactly what it is, why it’s used and how to apply it?
OneMind Dogs method and the use of verbals in dog agility
Do verbal cues have a place in the OneMind Dogs method? Find out in this article where we discuss the use of verbals in dog agility.
What is a Front Cross in Dog Agility?
In this article, we break down and discuss one of the fundamental handling techniques used in dog agility: the Front Cross.
Should you try distance handling in dog agility?
Learn about distance handling in dog agility with this informative blog post. Handle your dog from afar, bust myths, and build a magical bond.
Learning agility handling techniques with your dog has many benefits
Doing agility with your dog is so much fun. But before you start running courses, we recommend learning agility handling techniques!
Agility handler fitness — Increasing your running speed
Would you like to run faster in agility? Build your strength and mobility so that you can focus on handling and connection with your dog.

Our mission is to give a happy life to dogs by helping people become amazing dog owners.