OneMind Dogs Training Guide:
Distance handling for dog agility
Download a training guide to help you structure your agility training!
This simple training guide outlines the common issues that make distance handling difficult and shows you the steps for teaching distance skills to your dog and troubleshooting tips for distance handling using our online learning platform.
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Complete the form and you will get get redirected straight to the distance handling training guide in PDF format. Click the links within the training guide to view relevant lessons and videos.
Happy training!
We teach a revolutionary method that transformed our perspective to align with our dogs'
Everything we teach is about understanding dog agility (and the world in general) from the dog's point of view and having fun together. Our method is developed by dogs – for dogs. What's the result? A feeling of connection that is like two souls with one mind. And you can achieve it too.
Read the story of Tekla:
"A deaf dog taught us how to listen" >

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