What the OneMind Dogs Community wants from International Training Week online lessons?

OneMind Dogs Team
December 16, 2019

International Training Week videos have been an excellent addition to Agility Premium memberships for years. As a Premium member, you gain a front-row seat in the seminar series, learning right along with fellow participants. We asked the OneMind Dogs Community what they expect from the series in the future!

International Training Week videos have been an excellent addition to Agility Premium memberships for years. As a Premium member, you gain a front-row seat in the seminar series, learning right along with fellow participants. We asked the OneMind Dogs Community what they expect from the series in the future!

Preview of the latest International Training Week episode

We want to thank everyone who took the time to give us feedback. We are excited to let you know some of what to expect from future updates!

Full Course-Walkthrough (10-15 minute videos including course discussion)

Many members showed interest in viewing full course-walk discussions, which will show the conversations that happen before students run the sequences. These videos will be an excellent opportunity for those Premium members who are looking for the next step in their techniques understanding.

Individual Skills / Troubleshooting

Frequently, when working through sequences, handlers may discover there are some skills they are missing, or are less comfortable with in their handling toolbox; such as independent obstacles or technique execution. There are many ways to help the dog understand the skills while still working the course or sequence. This has been covered in the past and will continue to be a theme of International Training Week.

Sequence working with multiple dogs

While watching International Training Week, we want all members to be able to find dog/handler teams they can relate with. You can expect to see videos in the future containing more dog/handler teams for Premium members to observe.

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