5 Ways to make backyard agility training more powerful
A webinar to help you make the most of your backyard agility training!
We are so excited to have you join our webinar “5 Ways to make backyard agility training more powerful”. So many of you do most of your training at home in your own backyard with only the occasional access to bigger venues and coaches.
Do you want to know how you can make the most out of the area you have available in your own backyard? If so, this is the webinar for you!
The webinar presenter Lynn Madden is currently competing with her border collie Rain and is currently training foundations with her border collie Drift, who you can find in Drift’s Diary in the forum on the OneMind Dogs website.
In this webinar, we will look into the skills suitable to train in the backyard and how to make sure the training you do at home translates to the competition environment.
After the webinar, we will send you a recording and a series of emails that deep-dive into the 5 tips discussed during the webinar, so please make sure to tick the "allow communications" box in the registration form if you wish to receive those.

About OneMind Dogs
The OneMind Dogs method is all about the dog’s point of view. Everything we teach in Agility is about seeing the world from your dog’s perspective, and having fun together. 100,000 happy dogs with 50,000 happy owners have used the OneMind Dogs method, and to put it simply: it just works.