
Article Series About OneMind Dogs Method

Leading OneMind Dogs coaches Janita Leinonen and Jaakko Suoknuuti have been writing an article series about OneMind Dogs method to Clean Run Magazine. All twelve articles are being published by Clean Run during this year. 

Reading this interesting series of articles will give you a great opportunity to learn more about OneMind Dogs method. That is why we at OneMind Dogs want to offer our premium members a chance to read these very informative articles, too. Three of the twelve articles are now available at our website:

Here you can find the links to the Clean Run issues with articles about OneMind Dogs method that have been published already:

  • January - The OneMind Dogs Methodology: An Overview
  • February - The OneMind Dogs Methodology: Basic Elements
  • March - The OneMind Dogs Methodology: Foundation Training
  • April - The OneMind Dogs Methodology: Key Points
  • May - The OneMind Dogs Methodology: Handle Lines Not Obstacles
  • June - The OneMind Dogs Methodology: Why More Than Three Handling Techniques?


Our mission is to give a happy life to dogs by helping people become amazing dog owners. We are passionate about increasing the mutual understanding between the dog and the owner, making a life together more enjoyable for both.