
Help Your Dog If You Can!

Even if you teach your dog to perform obstacles independently, there can be situations on competition courses where the dog could use your assistance.

Handling technique called Grab to Weaves comes in handy if, for example, there is an off course obstacle near the weave entry, or the surface is slippery. On slippery surfaces you can see dogs having problems doing the weave entry correctly. You often see them going straight from the first gap to the third, or falling down, if they approach the weaves at full speed on a slippery surface.

By mastering the Grab to Weaves technique it is possible to have a very high success rate in weave entries, no matter how challenging the setup is. You can help your dog to enter the weaves on a straight and effective line, which makes it not only highly accurate, but also the shortest and fastest way to advance. With Grab to Weaves, you can control the dog´s situational speed if needed, when he is entering the weaves.

See on example of Grab to Weaves by OneMind Dogs Coach Tuulia Liuhto, who escorted her dog to the weaves in FCI World Championships large final 2011 in France.

Our mission is to give a happy life to dogs by helping people become amazing dog owners. We are passionate about increasing the mutual understanding between the dog and the owner, making a life together more enjoyable for both.